What? It’s March already? This year is passing by so anomalously fast.
Today is March 5 and it’s Maroon 5 (Mar 5 Mar 5, cute) day today at the Araneta. I heard tickets are really, uhm, expensive but that’s nothing unexpected. In fact, that should be common knowledge by now, there’s no need to hear the tickets are expensive. You just have to know that those (tickets to foreign acts’ shows) are just naturally pricey. Always. Whether they’re tickets to the concert of Beyonce or that remaining Carpenter, or who else, The Cascades, The Moffats, Solid Harmonie, S Club 7, Q Cumba Zoo, Chumbawumba or David Pomeranz (wait I don’t think he’s a foreign artist).
Though I like Maroon 5 (I genuinely do, and this isn’t just feigned liking due to the fact that they’re here and most people are probably talking about them. Really, I’m not defensive.”One day I’ll wake up and It won’t hurt anymore” to me is one of the best pieces of lyrics ever written. Haha), I was never interested in watching their concert here. I’d rather spend on something else. Like a really good ukulele. Or a tattoo. And then buy the Maroon 5 Tour DVD in Quiapo a week later. I’m a wise spender. (I did spend for a 2k+ concert before but that was for a small, intimate (!) venue. And it was Mraz. And he was to throw his red sneakers to the crowd. So…)
The words I say don't have a meaning.
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