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What if...

1. ...you are extremely depressed, all alone in the middle of night and you need a friend to be there with you. You call a friend and you hear this ringtune:

"Don't call me in the middle of the night no more,
Don't expect me to be there..."
2. ...Justin Timberlake marries Jasmine Trias. What will Jasmine's new name be?
3. ...MediCard covers these (medical) procedures: liposuction, plastic surgery, DNA analysis, cloning, etc.
4. ...all the world leaders agree to a "raffle" to determine which tsunami-affected country should each represented country help. Will Gloria cheat so she could draw Kenya with a tsunami-related death count of 1?
5. ... God tells us that the reason why he didn't allow a tsunami to happen in the Philippines is because Susan will eventually agree to lead the opposition and will win in the next presidential election?