I am now officially a proud owner of a Crosswind. I got it yesterday and I already used it last night.
It didn't take me long to save up for my latest acquisition. The entire planning stage just started a month ago. And now, my blue-green Crosswind is with me, fully functional. I'm satisfied with its performance. It's quiet, unlike the first one I got. And everything spins smoothly. I have no problems with it at all. Well at least for now.
I now have two electric fans in my apartment. 1 Union Cyclone and 1 Promac Crosswind. I'll have my Crosswind blessed this week. Haha.
I'm having a very bad case of cough and cold...again. So this week, I'll be swallowing Solmux capsules. The doctor says it does a good job of letting out phlegm, which I think I have a supply depot of in my respiratory track right now.
I bought a fleece blanket. I can't sleep without blankets. I use blankets even if it is hell hot.
I'm thinking of buying another phone. And I'm thinking of discarding my Globe SIM and be SMART's prodigal subscriber. I can't send MMS with Globe. Communication Error daw. And the Globe Customer Service Hotline can't help me. Been calling them for months and I still can't send a single MMS. AND I KNOW HOW TO WORK MY PHONE SETTINGS SO DON'T TELL ME THAT I CAN'T SEND MULTIMEDIA BECAUSE I GOT ALL MY MMS AND GPRS SETTINGS WRONG!
Trust me. SMART is better, GPRS and MMS-wise. (Globe blocks all other WAP sites other than MyGlobe and Yahoo) Hahaha. In fact, SMART is better everything-wise. Mag-SMART na tayong lahat!
Mario -- the born leader. Most people you meet
remember who you are in the long run, and
that's because you make a strong first
impression and leave a lasting image of decency
and amicability. Your friends come to you when
in need of a shoulder to cry on.
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