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How the Windows Illegal Operations Dialog Box Ruined my Mood

Alanis will agree. Reading the "you have performed an illegal operation and this thing will shut down" message after typing "i really love this day and i am in my best mood" is like rain on your wedding day and a free ride when you've already paid.

I just finished typing today's post saying how i love the hilarious movie Shrek 2 and when I clicked the "publish post" button, everything was gone.

Illegal operation? How can saying how watching Shrek 2 last night gave me a very good mood today be illegal? How can typing about how I want to use the Puss in Boots tactic the next time I want something done be illegal?

Ok. I took this quiz because it's Mraz related. Haha.

No Stopping Us
your song is "No Stopping Us"

Which Jason Mraz song are you?
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